Reunited Course

This is a 4 week on-line on zoom

We hold a safe, nurturing, non-judgemental space which facilitates growth, learning and healing.


Concessions: £80

About - in person

About - Online

Our inner knowing and intuition is often lost in our own self-talk and the chatter of our minds. We can easily loose our way and become disconnected from our true nature and paths.

On our reunited course we delve deeper into examining our inner guide. We help you gain better clarity in distinguishing between your inner guidance and the inner critic that we as women have. We examine together the role and purpose of both intuition and self-talk and reunite them in a more balanced and helpful way.

This course is suitable for those that have completed the foundation course.

On this course you will:

☾ Explore with us the concept of intuition verses our inner critic.

☾ Examine how your self-talk keeps you safe but small.

☾ Take a look at what is in your back-log and the reasons behind it.

☾ Explore how you really talk to yourself and about others.

☾ Discover how to turn the volume up on your intuition.

☾ Gain better clarity in distinguishing your intuition and connection to it.

You will also:

☾ Be able to Re-connect with like-minded women on similar journeys of self-discovery.

☾ Have the opportunity to be seen, heard and valued.

☾ Receive support and encouragement.

☾ Have the opportunity to join a dedicated private Facebook group for sharing and on-going support for the duration of the course.

☾ Receive access to a recording of our teaching (private sharing will not be recorded)

This is a 4 week on-line course on zoom.

On this course we will share our knowledge and experience. You will be given opportunities during each sessions to reflect upon and explore concepts with others in small groups. Between sessions we encourage you to continue to self-reflect and to document what arises for you.

All of our courses promote self- enquiry and discovery. They demand a level of self-responsibility, openness and a willingness to work alongside and be of service to the growth and learning of other attendees

We hold a safe, nurturing, non-judgemental space which facilitates growth, learning and healing.

  • "I am happier and more contented and I take things much better. I follow my intuition with more confidence. I feel a weight has lifted off my shoulder and my heart."


  • "It shifted me into more moment-by-moment awareness"
