Whole Woman

A J o u r n ey o f D i s c o v e r y

Welcome ladies

At Whole Woman we take women on a journey of rediscovering their connection to their inner-self and intuition. We help you to uncover what you would truly love and, step by step, we hold your hand as you discover your best path forward.

We believe that we can all live bigger, bolder, more courageous, lives. If we dare to.

The time for the work is now!

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“ . What I learned from Whole Woman has completely changed how I approach my life. I am truly grateful to Julie and Alison.”


“It has been wonderful to connect. There has been so much to take away, to learn and to reflect upon. ”


“Julie and Alison are natural easy going coaches. You can feel they are living what they teach.”

It’s a beautiful life if you choose it.